How we calculate our offers:
Our business determines the quotes for used manga based on several key factors to ensure fair and accurate offers for customers. These factors include:
Edition of the Manga: We consider whether the manga is a first edition, special edition, or a standard reprint, as limited or early editions tend to have higher value.
Language: The language in which the manga is published plays a role in determining value, as certain language versions may be rarer or more in demand in specific markets.
Market Demand and Popularity: We assess how frequently the specific series sells and the current popularity of the manga. A highly sought-after series, especially one with a large fanbase, may be valued higher due to its demand.
Condition of the Manga: The physical state of the manga is crucial. Manga in pristine condition, with minimal wear and tear, will receive a higher quote compared to those with significant damage, discoloration, or missing pages.
By evaluating these factors collectively, we ensure that the quotes we provide are fair, reflective of market trends, and based on the individual value of each manga volume.